Carnival DONE!

Well, Carnival ’08 came and went.  I enjoyed myself and drank far too much.

Carnival Sunday night (Dimanche Gras night) I was in Woburn until the wee hours.  I couldn’t face Jouvert (I’m old!) so I went home and caught this sweet shot of daybreak creeping over the mountains while the jabjab jumped up in town..


“spit it out.. spit it out…” Hilarious!


I took Little YY to the National Stadium on Monday afternoon to catch a part of the Fancy Mas Competition.  We didn’t actually go into the Stadium but stayed outside jamming to the music and dodging the rain.

Click for Carnival Monday album

And a little video –


Monday Night Mas met me in bed but the music was slamming! I heard the bands were gigantic!


On Carnival Tuesday I took Lil YY down to look at the final Parade of the Mas Bands on Lagoon Road.

Click for Carnival Tuesday album

And for some video –

Girl on girl wining (!!)


Stunner, this is for you!


Pan. Sweet Pan! Republic Bank Angel Harps, panorama champs.


And some controversial religious peeps who decided to “take back” Carnival for Jesus. *eyeroll* More like just looking for an excuse to jump up in the road if you ask me!


The Soca Monarchs were Luni Sparks & Electrify repeating their win from last year. Clear de way is here.  The Road March was won by Miney, singing 10,000 Masqueraders. (Doesn’t she sound a bit like Destra?) I liked both those songs so I’m happy. I haven’t the foggiest idea who won Calypso Monarch though.

So that’s it. Carnival 2K8 is over and looking forward to next year already. Meanwhile poor me is trying to start a detox programme before my liver explodes (but ending in time for Christmas boozing festivities *wink*). 😀

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Posted in grenada, we culture
10 comments on “Carnival DONE!
  1. […] Blah Bloh Blog's wide range of photos and video offers a comprehensive overview of Grenada's recently-concluded Carnival celebrations. Posted by Janine Mendes-Franco  Print Version Share This […]

  2. acrooms says:

    that youtube video of jab-jab is one of the best i’ve seen–do you know who put it together?

    i woke up out of a dead sleep last weekend to the sounds of fantastic soca song that i’d never heard before. so all this week i’ve spent hours on socafreak and other sites trying to find out the name of the song.

    i heard it on the radio on saturday, but the station didn’t answer the phone when i called. i’m that desperate now.

    this might just drive me insane….

  3. acrooms says:

    on the other hand, i have learned A LOT about soca this week, and found a lot of new stuff to like–never really listened to it before.

    i LOVE Lavaman! i think he almost caused a riot @ De Village soca monarchs this year:

    he a little crazy, no? and his backup hype man with the flippers and mask just cracks me up!

  4. yygda says:

    acrooms, the jabjab video link at youtube is I hadn’t even heard that sond before, but now I’m all like “jab jab don’t eat no kentucky and fries..”

    Give me some hints about the soca song you’re trying to locate. Local or foreign? Male or female vocalist? What’s the chorus?

    Poor Lavaman. That was him getting disqualified AGAIN during Soca Monarch because he and his fans rushed the judges’ tent. *eyeroll*

  5. acrooms says:

    the voice sounds very much to me like lavaman, which is how i fell into a bunch of his songs in the first place. i FEEL like it’s probably a Grenadian artist, since the majority of the music i heard during carnival was local.

    hmmmm…the chorus is the hard part. i would have googled it if i could really get it straight but he talks pretty fast (and just writing that makes me feel OLD).

    but the closest thing the chorus sounds like to me is something like “let me run don’t shame me.” and the song is mostly very fast rapping but not what i would call singing.

    meh! i’m going to keep my ears open and the radio station on speed dial. the next time i hear it in the street i’ll probably accost the person closest to me to find out if they know the song.

    but i do like Synnnah!

    “jabjab will take a leak in de market but he will nevah shaaaake it!”

  6. yygda says:

    Ah-hah! It IS Lavaman. The song is “Blame de Rum”.

    Blame de rum, don’t blame me.
    Tame de rum, don’t tame me.
    Shame de rum, don’t shame me.
    Ah make up me mind is mas.

  7. acrooms says:

    i LOVEYOULOVEYOULOVEYOU for solving this riddle!!

    *deep exhale* my head can focus on other things now, and i can die happy.

    btw–did you have to purchase access to your css to put the blog action day badge on your site? can’t figure it out yet.

    i am clearly a special case, since i always need so much of your assistance.


  8. […] Blah Bloh Blogに、最近終了したカーニバルのお祝いの様子がよくわかる写真とビデオが掲載されている。 […]

  9. Gooch says:

    I haven’t had a spice mas in like 14 years.. to say these videos bring back memories is an understatement. Thanks for a great compilation, and super job on the Blog.

  10. sandrar says:

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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About BBB
yingyangHi there! BlahBlohBlog here, live and direct from Grenada. I'm a 50-somethingish, uber-liberal mum and menopausal nerd-gurl. In my time off I indulge my internet, TV & pop culture addiction, revel in my attempts at GenX relevance, and moonlight as a passionate Caribbeanista.
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